Sunday, 22 April 2012

Random Monday

It's random Monday, here at World as Muse.  That means that randomly, I'll talk about random things.

Random Speech Differences Between Australians and Canadians

1. People say "How ya going?" instead of "How are you?" or "How's it going?"
2.  People say "You're alright" instead of "That's OK".
3.  People call babies "bubs" or "bubbas"
4.  I've yet to hear the words "crikey", "throw a shrimp on the barbie" or "g'day", but I do hear people calling their little kids "Mate" instead of "Buddy".
5.  Some Aussies say "Ta" instead of "Thanks".  For the record, so does my dad.  But I thought he was the only one.
6. The "garbage" is called the "bin"
7. "The lot" refers to "everything".  The slogan for the shopping mall here is "Noosa Civic: We've Got the Lot".  I don't know why, but I find that hilarious.
8. People say "Good on Ya" when you're doing something right.

More randomness.  I've got lots of pet peeves.  I kind of love to have them, and when I finally put my finger on one, and finally brand it a pet peeve,  it just feels good. Here are a select few:

These Are a Few of My Least Favourite Things...

1)Being cold
2)Being wet
3)Being cold and wet simultaneously
4)When people wear winter coats with flip flops
5) When people wear winter/Ugg boots with shorts in the summer.  Choose a season.
6) When the bottom of people's butts hang out of their short shorts.  You see that A LOT here
7) When people wheel around their lap dogs in doggy strollers (however, I love it when people dress up their dogs in outfits).
8) That snotty stuff in the corner of dog's eyes
9) Cats. (can't trust them)
10) When people "check in" to places on Facebook
11) When you order a pizza and it's not greasy enough
12) When anything gets mealy.  Especially peaches.
13) Hipsters. Especially apathetic hipsters wearing huge nerd glasses and taking themselves seriously. 
14) Apathetic hipsters wearing huge nerd glasses who are "barristas" or otherwise work in the service industry.  I am so sorry to disturb and inconvenience you.  Am I cool enough to buy a coffee/book/breakfast from you?
15) Crazy tight ankled, skinny jeans on guys. Sorry, but you're essentially wearing leggings with a short top out in public.  And you're a dude.
16)  Banana voice (but I also kind of love it)
17) When you're 5 months pregnant, and people say, "Oh wow!  You're huge!  Are you sure you're not having twins?"
18) Rain
19) Vacuuming
20)Camel toe
21) Eggplant, and people who claim that it's delicious
22)People who claim that health foods (with the exception of veggies) are DELICIOUS.  Veggies really are yummy.  But tofu, tempeh, brown rice, quinoa? They may be healthy for you, sure.  And you can do wonderful things with them, and I do. But delicious?  A McDonald's fry is delicious.  Ice cream is delicious. Chocolate is delicious.  A piece of tofu, no matter how nicely it is marinated, is not.
22) People who FORBID their children any sugar, EVER. And  who think that their child won't be obsessed with having sugar later in their lives. Right.
23) Fruit flies
24) Cumin

That's a nice, robust list.  I invite you to add to it.  If you're a dog, a cat, a hipster, or a dude who wears leggings, I'm truly sorry if I've offended you. 

Happy Monday!


lesley said...

this just made my day. i agree with almost all of your pet peeves, except cumin (really? cumin??).
my #1 pet peeve is when waitstaff clear the plate of the person/people i'm eating with while i am still eating. makes me insane.

and you would HATE toronto today. cold, grey, rain/snow. total crap.

:) said...

Yes, cumin. It ruins so many dishes. And is WAY over used in vegetarian cooking.

Good call on the premature clearing in restaurants. I hate that too.

This has caused me to generate 3 more restaurant peeves:

1)When restaurants use ingredients that nobody has ever heard of, and you feel like an idiot, but you have to ask what they are
2) when waitstaff crouch down at the table and act too chummy. It just grates on my nerves for some reason
3) When they don't serve complimentary bread, but instead, charge you $4 for stale breadsticks (not naming any names *cough* campagnola)

Larissa said...

What do hipsters in Australia look like? Do they look like Toronto hipsters? Please advise.

:) said...

A little slow to respond here. My bad!

That peeve was really about Toronto hipsters, and specifically about the dude who works at Ezra's Pound on Dundas Street.

In truth, I haven't seen any Aussie hipsters. We're not in a big city, so maybe they congregate there. But we've visited Sydney and Brisbane, and nary a hipster in sight.

I could be wrong, but it doesn't seem to be a thing here. Instead, there are lots of long haired surfers and people living in their VW vans. I love that it's socially acceptable to live in a van. Another great thing about this country.