Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Onwards and Upwards

When you travel as a family of four, with two children under the age of three, it is a LOT of preparation. The snacks. The bottles. The diapers. The blankies. The stroller. The car seats.

When you move your family of four as. far across the globe as you can possibly go, and pack up most of your house before doing so, it is A LOT OF WORK.

I know. Poor me, it's so hard. No, I'm very excited and grateful for this opportunity. But I've been working like a dog for weeks, nope, months, to organize this whole thing.

House rented? Check.
Flights booked? Check.
Travel visas secured? Nope.
New birth certificates issued to appease crazy visa issuing officials? Check.
Travel visas secured? Finally, check.
Travel insurance? Check.
Travel vaccinations done? Check.
Hotel booked? Check.
Baby bathtub,swing, carriers, exersau Ed, bassinette lent out, returned, donated, or sold? Check.
Baby clothes organized by size, bagged, labelled, stowed under beds for future use? Check
Kids dressers and closets emptied? Check.
Our closet and dressers emptied? Check.
Coat closet emptied? Check.
Items donated to Goodwill? Check.
Family photographs taken down and replaced with generic art? Check.
Dinners, brunches, playdates with friends to say goodbye? Check.
Fridge and freezer emptied? Check.
Food cupboards emptied? Check.
Medicine cabinet emptied? Check
Personal items stowed out of sight? Check.
Bank notified? Check.
Double stroller purchased? Check.
Library books returned? Check.
All bed linens washed and changed? Check.
Shower curtain and bath mat washed and replaced? Check.
House cleaned? Check.
Suitcases packed? Check.
Kids to the doctor to have final shot? Check.
Husband to appointment to have his teeth whitened? Seriously? Now? Check.
Professional massage for me? Soon? Hell, yes.
14 hour flight, then 4 hour layover,then 10 hour flight? With a baby? And wiggly toddler? Not yet.
Place to live after first week abroad? Nope.
Appointments for husband and I to get our heads examined? Not booked yet.


Michael Inzlicht said...

Hey my teeth got 4 shades whiter! Yes, they're yellow, but still.

:) said...

"They're gorgeous".