Saturday 3 March 2012

Good News. I'm...


That's right, y'all.  I wanted you to read this post, and am clearly not above using my womanly wiles to accomplish that.  BOO ya KA sha.

So, drum roll's time for....

The First. Ever...

WORLD AS MUSE CHALLENGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OH BOY OH BOY OH BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Was that emphatic enough for you?

Here's the challenge.  Since you've come this far, you're almost done.  All you have to do is leave a comment.  That's it.  One comment.  On this, or any other post. 

And why, you ask?  Why all this gurfuffle, just to get you to comment?  Here's why:  my blog stats tell me you're reading.  And yet, only a handful of you have shown your faces around these parts.  Hmm.  That came out wrong. 

But really, I just want to know who you are, and I want you to see that posting is fun and easy. And I'm an egomaniac, who needs constant props and attention.

I've changed my settings, so you should be able to easily post without any log in shenanigans.  And what will you gain, you ask?  (You sure are curious today)

I shall reward you, handsomely.  That's all I'll say. 


Anonymous said...

Hi Naomi. Well, you got me! And I totally know how you feel, and I don't even have statistics for my blog, so I have no idea whether anyone is reading it. Anyway, I enjoy reading yours very much, and who is that awesome looking couple standing with you and Mickey with the surf boards? They look really cool...

lesley said...

does everyone who responds get a reward?? i check in on you all the time- i love reading about your adventures!
xxo lesley

:) said...

Mette: Yeah, those people are pretty cool. And good looking. And modest. ;) I wish we could be friends with them.

Lesley: So glad you're reading. You raise a good point. hmmmmm.....

Michael Inzlicht said...

Yo! I'm always reading too! Love this blog.


Yoshi said...

Now you get it. Now imagine being single and living there for 18 months.