Friday, 18 May 2012

Enough is Enough

I've been thinking a lot these days about the fact that the blogs that I love to read are those whose authors don't take themselves too seriously.  Come to think of it, the people I like most don't take themselves too seriously either.    

I am relatively new to this blogging thing.  And I'm proud of the fact that I've been able to keep it up, given how much of my time is spent cleaning mashed food off the floor and wiping butts.

And yet, when I  reread my blog posts, I often come to the same few conclusions:

1) This post is a little bit precious
2) This post is too long
3) This post is boring
4) Oh for god's sake, this chick needs a good shtup to loosen her up a little

And so. 

I hereby resolve to try my very darndest, from this point forward to:

1)Be less precious.  I have been known to crack a joke or two in my day.  And so I hope to make this blog funnier.
2)If you've ever had a conversation with me, you realize that I'm not into the whole brevity thing.  But I'm working on it.  Even this point is getting too long, and I should stop adding more text and spit it out already. But I can't. Whoah, Nellie.  Deep breath.  You can do this.  This is just SO HARD FOR ME.  You guys don't get it. I just can't say anything important without first setting it up, then giving all the important background details, listing everything, using lots of commas, and saying in fifty words what I could have said in ten (and even then, adding lots of parenthetical statements).  But I will try.
3)By making my posts shorter and funnier, I hope they'll be less boring
4)There are multiple ways we can address point #4 above, and I'm open to suggestions. 

I welcome your feedback, fo SHIZ. Please let me know what else you think could be improved, and what you like. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The posts are always funny. I love it!