We've been home from our big adventure three weeks tomorrow. These past few weeks have flown by what with hosting 2 parties (2 consecutive nights), co-hosting a bridal shower, and getting together with lots of friends. When I think about the fact that I was in Bali just three weeks ago, it kind of blows my mind. It feels like a different life; one that happened ages ago. Such is our adaptive nature, I suppose.
In between all the socializing, I've been getting our house back into order. I will be having a yard sale next weekend to get rid of the 5 GARBAGE BAGS full of stuff I am purging from my closet. Some of the stuff I have literally been keeping (and shlepping with me as I move every year or two) for 10 years. Buh bye.
Because I apparently seek out projects to keep me busy, I rescued a tree stump from Trinity Bellwoods park today, and I plan to dry it, sand it, and make an end table out of it. Its not like this is my own idea; I've seen lots of tree stump side tables in design stores, and I've also seen tutorials on a couple of my favourite DIY blogs. But still, this is an appropriate moment for you to conclude that indeed, I'm nuts.
I used the phrase "good karma" more than once today as I thanked the very kind city of Toronto workers who made two extra cuts to level it for me, and then lifted it into our wagon. And probably thought to themselves, "yep, she's certifiable".
The best thing is that Big J loved the adventure of the whole exploit. I think this is the after effect of being dragged across the world at such a young age. He's kind of up for anything. Fingers crossed that it lasts.
Keep checking in for a post/tutorial when it's done.
How do you find time to do all this when you have 2 little ones?!
I absolutely insist that my kids nap. They clearly need it, but so do I. That is, I need them to nap so that I have time to do the things I enjoy. :)
I pick up all the garbage on the street that I deem useful.
Since we just varnished a chair, all I can say is that the water based outdoor type we used is not exactly recommended.
As a bonus awesome crazy idea: you could hollow out out for storage and to make it lighter.
Anyway: my crazy verdict is: not crazy.
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