Sunday, 18 December 2011

Dear Craigslist: We're Fighting

Those who know me well know how deeply my love for you runs.   As a former (OK fine, current) trashpicker, one man’s trash has always been my treasure.  And you, Craigslist, well, you’re pretty much as good as it gets: you make it possible for me to dumpster dive from the comfort of my own couch.  

So it is with great shock and sadness that I share how you stiffed me today. But first, a retrospective of our romance.

The crib, rocking horse and glider are Craigslist finds

So are the dresser and the change table

My all time favourite score: This Japanese step chest.  They retail for $2500-$3000 bucks. 

60's teak low dresser - the attached mirror is a rare find

Vintage 60's teak platform bed with attached side tables

Matching high dresser

Bassinette - it was barely used


Cute wooden rocking horse - I paid  $5, and the guy delivered it!
Baby swing - the couple's baby didn't like it, so it had only been used a handful of times

Here’s why I'm mad at you.  I was supposed to go see a double stroller on a Friday afternoon, but I woke up feeling really crummy that day.  So, I emailed the seller to see if I could reschedule.  She had originally suggested Saturday afternoon as the best time for her. Here’s  how the shakedown played out:

Fri, 16 Dec 2011

 09:52 AM
Me: Hi there, I woke up feeling not great today. But I am truly interested, and definitely want to see it soon. Would it be possible to come either Sunday afternoon (say 2 pm), Monday or Wednesday of next week? Thx, Naomi
Sent from my iPhone

11:03 AM   Her: Oh, that's no good. Well next week is going to be a bust week for me as I will be going into the Hospital on friday. So I can't say for sure right now as to how my time will be allocated
Sent wirelessly from my BlackBerry device
11:44 AM   Me: Ok. I've tried to change some things around so that I could come tomorrow. Would between 1::00-2:00 be ok? I can't say an exact time, because I would be coming directly from a dentists  appointment. Let me know if that works. Sorry for so many changes of plans. Sent from my iPhone
12:07 PM   Her: Ok let's say that's a go if any changes just email. Sent wirelessly from my BlackBerry device
12:15PM  Me: Ok, great. Please send your address and directions. I'll be coming from downtown Toronto, King  and Dufferin area. I'm guessing it'll be closer to 2 pm, as my appointment is for 11:45. Thx, Naomi   Sent from my iPhone
12:21 PM  Her: The address is 666 Satan’s Lane.  Take the Highway of Hell north to Lucifer’s Lane, then turn left at the first stop sign.  Then take the first right into the town house complex.  Sent wirelessly from my BlackBerry
12:28 PM   Me: Thanks. I'll see you tomorrow.  Thx, Naomi.  Sent from my iPhone

Saturday, Dec 17, 2011
 1:22 PM   Her: Are u still coming ? What's is ur ETA?  Sent wirelessly from my BlackBerry device
1:36 PM  Me: Yes, hope that's ok. My appointment finished 5 mins ago, and I'm heading over now. I should be there around 2:15, earlier if there's no traffic. If you need to speak to me, please call 222-2222. I'll be driving and won't be able to email. Thx, Naomi.  Sent from my iPhone
1:37 PM  Her: Just asking because someone else has expressed interest. Sent wirelessly from my BlackBerry device

1:38 PM  Her: And is also going to come and have a look. Sent wirelessly from my BlackBerry device

I arrived at the condo complex at approximately 2:12 p.m, only to realize that the address she had given me was for the whole block of condo townhouses.  She had failed to give me her unit number. 

2:12 PM  Me: Hi there, I'm here. What's your unit #?  Sent from my iPhone
2:15 PM:  I witness a woman getting into a minivan, loading in a red double stroller.  I consider the coincidence, and feel slightly sick. 
2:26 PM  Me: Hi!! I'm waiting here, and I have no idea which unit is yours. Please call 222-2222 and let me know where you live. Sent from my iPhone
2:38 PM  Me: I'm waiting here, because I don't have your unit number!  Sent from my iPhone
OK.  Note that first of all, she failed to sign her name on any of her emails.  Her email address included her first initial and last name.  But who doesn’t sign off even one email with their name?  Secondly, was it not CRYSTAL CLEAR that I was coming?  From DOWNTOWN TORONTO, a 40 minute drive?!  What about the fact that she was on her Blackberry constantly, but just so happened to drop off after 1:38 PM?  And that she knew that I was on my iPhone, as well as having my phone number? 

There are unwritten rules about how to do business on Craigslist.  These include: letting someone know if there are other people coming to see an item, and giving priority to the first person who was interested.  I've never dealt with a first come, first served policy, but I suppose even that would be Ok, as long as the seller was upfront about it. 

Here’s the kicker: This woman is a mother of 3, about to have her 4th.  In our initial contact, I told her that I have a 7 month old, and an almost 3 year old.   Who I left with my husband in order to spend my Saturday afternoon driving to Missisauga. To buy a double stroller for them, to make all of our lives easier. Would you not think that one mother would look out for another? 
So, that’s how it went down.  Here’s the irony: just today, I was thinking, “You know what would make a great post?  One about how much I love Craigslist, and how I’ve gotten so many amazing things, and never had a bad experience.  I think I’ll call it, ‘Craigslist: A Love Story’.” 
The numerous good dates we’ve had are keeping me from dumping you, Craigslist.  But we are fighting.  And to regain my trust, you will need to sweep me off my feet with a perfect condition, cheap double stroller, that someone will deliver to my house. For free.  

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