Monday, 4 June 2012

Fire Dance

Balinese dance is quite the spectacle.  It’s a gorgeous art form, and it takes years of practice to learn the subtleties of finger movements and slight tilts of the head.  We chose to take the kids to the Fire Dance (Kecak) last night.  M. and I attended a performance in 2001, and we knew that it could be potentially scary for the kids, since it involves masks, chanting and, of course, fire. We bought tickets and entered knowing that we might turn around and walk right out if either of the kids got scared.
As a parent, I am continually learning that letting the kids experience things on their own without my own bias is the best policy.  Big J was captivated, and not scared in the least.  Several times, we gave him the option to leave early, but he wanted to stay.  He sat quietly on M’s lap and observed.  For her part, Little J stayed snuggled close to me in the carrier, drank a bottle, and clapped along with everyone else at the appropriate moments.  I'm so proud of our kids.  ;)

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